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Temple Beth Sholom Membership Application

Adult 1
Adult 2

Child Info

Please list name, Yarhzeit date (before or after sundown) and relationship to which member.

Annual Commitment

Membership includes High Holy Day admission for household heads and children under 25 in the same household. Children aged 26 and higher require their own membership. We do not sell High Holy Day admission to non-members. Your continued annual commitment remains 100% tax-deductible

Standard Annual Commitment
Makes all full time, full dues-paying members part of the Circle of Giving Sustainer Level

Temple Beth Sholom has a mandatory Security Assessment of $425 due annually.

*Age of the eldest adult in the household

Are you interested in including Temple Beth Sholom in your estate plans?
I have read and agree to the TBS Publicity Release policy online at tbsmb.org/publicityrelease


As a member of Temple Beth Sholom, I understand that I am making a full-year financial commitment to support the Congregation. I further understand that the Temple depends on this commitment, and I pledge to fulfill my financial obligation on or before May 31, 2025. If I am unable to do so, I agree to contact the Temple Executive Director to make alternative payment arrangements.
Tue, February 18 2025 20 Sh'vat 5785