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12th Annual Mitzvah Day Soup Contest 2025

Temple Beth Sholom’s 12th annual Mitzvah Day Our Soup Contest is back in 2025. We are inviting all of our favorite chefs and sponsors to support this year’s mission with warm and delicious soup tastings for our TBS community.

We are thrilled to be able to host this year’s Soup Contest on Mitzvah Day - Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 1:30 pm in the Social Hall. 

Our friendly soup competition will warm hearts and souls to benefit The Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial/Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, and the Teen Blue Card Fund.

Soup Contest Co-Chairs: Karen Sepsenwol, Dana Grodin and Jody Gross

Contact Information

Soup Chef Sign Up 
Registered chefs: Please plan to arrive at TBS between 12:00 and 12:30 pm, with 10-12 quarts of your delicious soup. Remember to also bring a ladle, any table decor you’d like, and 3 bowls and spoons for the judges’ samples. Our celebrity judges will taste and rate the soups, and our congregation will vote for favorites. Warming plates and aprons will be provided. Please bring a ladle if you can.

We also ask that you plan to make one extra quart of your soup to be donated to The Village (Free)dge Community Food Pantry in Liberty City. We will provide the container.

Remember NO shellfish, pork, or mixing of dairy and meat. Vegetarian or vegan soups are encouraged in keeping with our sustainability initiative, but not required.

Happy cooking, thank you for your participation and support! 
Remember - NO shellfish, pork, or mixing of meat and dairy. We are encouraging vegetarian soups in keeping with our sustainabilty initiative, although it is not required. 

Support us!
If cooking doesn't whet your appetite, please consider sponsoring this great event. We are kindly seeking donations and sponsorships. 

All proceeds go directly to The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach/Holocaust Learning and Education Fund and The Teen Blue Card Fund.
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785